Pollution Monitoring Equipment

DT1000 Microprocessor Based, Double Pass EPA Compliance Opacity Monitor

Model DT1000 is a microprocessor based, double pass Environmental Protection Agency compliance opacity monitor. The microprocessor creates excellent stability and reliability plus the use of patented glass fiber optic technology in the stack components further enhances the performance. The Model DT1000 was designed and is still unmatched in having the fewest stack mounted electronics.
DT109 Opacity Monitor

The Model DT109 is the perfect solution for monitoring visible emissions where a compliance system is not required. Has many applications other than stacks such as dust from conveyor systems.

Model 201LP Three Wire Triboelectric Detector / Broken Bag Detector

The Redkoh Model 201LP is a three wire particulate monitor that measures particulate levels in air ducts on a real time basis.gnal. The 201LP is a cost-effective device for multiple compartment bag house applications. It is sensitive enough to not only detect broken bags, but also to detect the presence of worn bags. The Model 201LP monitor uses the Triboelectric principle to measure the electrical charge imparted by dust particles as they strike the probe The charge picked up by the probe is converted to an electrical current, which is measured by the electronic system
RK3127 Process Particulate Monitor

Our RK3127 Process Particulate Monitor is designed to operate with our model 201LP triboelectric probe, or other compatible probes. Up to four (4) 201LP probes can be connected to each monitor. The Model 201LP monitor uses the Triboelectric principle to measure the electrical charge imparted by dust particles as they strike the probe. The charge picked up by the probe is converted to an electrical current, which is measured by the Process Particulate Monitor and is displayed in line graph form on a color LCD screen, along with peak and baseline threshold indicators.

DT3000 Oxygen Analyzer

A Zirconia based oxygen analyzer used for boiler trim control and EPA requirements. The Datatest Model DT3000 Oxygen Analyzers provide reliable 02 concentration data to enable optimization of fuel consumption, improve combustion, enhance process control, and minimize air pollution. The Model DT3000 is ideal for applications that include coal, oil, gas-fired and packaged boilers, furnaces, incinerators, dryers, process heaters, kilns and other combustion applications where economical, 02 monitoring is required.
DT3006 Close Coupled Extractive Oxygen/Combustibles Analyzer

The Model DT3006 measures oxygen and total combustibles or carbon monoxide by using an eduction system to draw a sample from a stack or duct over a relatively short distance to a pair of sensing cells.

DT3008 Close Coupled Extractive Combustibles Analyzer

The Model DT 3008 measures total combustibles or carbon monoxide by using an eduction pump to draw a sample from a process stack or duct to present it to a sensing cell. The cell is a platinum catalytic bead sensor. The sensor chosen depends upon the accuracy and the measurement levels required, and whether total combustibles or carbon monoxide is the gas to be measured.

Model 201LP Two Wire Triboelectric Detector / Broken Bag Detector

The Redkoh Model 201LP is a two wire 4-20mA loop powered particulate monitor that measures particulate levels in air ducts on a real time basis.gnal. The 201LP is a cost-effective NEMA 4X device for multiple compartment bag house applications. It is sensitive enough to not only detect broken bags, but also to detect the presence of worn bags. The Model 201LP monitor uses the Triboelectric principle to measure the electrical charge imparted by dust particles as they strike the probe The charge picked up by the probe is converted to an electrical current, which is measured by the electronic system